Faculty Ombudsperson

Welcome from the Faculty Ombudsperson

Thank you for visiting! My name is Lisa Phillips. I am honored to serve as the ISU Faculty Ombuds. 我于2003年加入ISU,现任历史系副教授. 我作为教员管理人员的角色使我能够利用我在教员管理方面的经验, my expertise in the history of class, 性别, 和种族, 我的兴趣是确保教职员工能够使用所有可用的资源.  I am determined to help ISU serve its faculty in the best ways possible.

Please do not hesitate to contact me directly using the information to the right.  I am able to communicate via e-mail, schedule phone calls, or set up individual meetings, however best protects your confidentiality. I would also be pleased to visit your college, department, 委员会, 或其他小组分享信息,并回答有关本办公室提供的资源的问题. 我很高兴有机会以这种身份为您和更大的国际滑联社区服务.

请花点时间浏览下面的信息和资源,了解有关ombud的角色和功能的更多信息. 在某种程度上, you will find that I strive to offer a confidential, 公正的, 非正式的, 在一个独立的环境中,教师可以轻松地讨论他们的问题和担忧. 我感谢博士. Carrie Ball, who served as ISU’s first Faculty Ombuds, for setting the example.  I will do my best to follow her lead and respond to faculty 担忧.

A full description of how this office operates can be found in the Faculty Ombuds Charter 文档. 

What is the role of a faculty ombuds?

我的主要职责是为教师提供有关工作场所问题的免费支持和指导, 担忧, or disputes.  This includes:

  • Confidentially discussing a range of issues, including alleged actions, 遗漏, improprieties, and/or broader systemic problems
  • 倾听关注,澄清问题,并提出一系列解决方案
  • 提供有关大学政策、程序、实践和资源的信息.
  • Helping faculty identify the best course of action in their specific situation


监察员的第二个重要作用是在不泄露机密通信的情况下报告整个组织的总体趋势.  This includes:

  • Providing feedback to the University administration when trends, 模式, 政策, or procedures of the University generate 担忧 or conflicts
  • Recommending 改变s to 政策, procedures, and systems when appropriate
  • Serving as an information, communication, 在适当情况下,为更广泛的大学社区提供争议解决资源或顾问 

What can I expect if I meet with you?

I strive to do the following:

  • Confidentially hear and 公正的ly discuss your 担忧.
  • Help you locate and understand relevant University, 大学, and 部门al 政策 and procedures
  • Help you identify and evaluate options for resolving your workplace 担忧
  • 帮助您定位信息或获得您可能不舒服的问题的答案
  • Encourage collegial relationships and effective interpersonal problem-solving
  • 促进你和其他人之间的对话,如果各方都同意这可能是有益的
  • Refer you to appropriate University resources, services, or programs
  • Empower you to pursue your professional potential
  • Monitor trends across the university and advocate for systemic 改变 when needed

What I do not do:

  • Provide psychological counseling services
  • Offer legal advice
  • Establish, 改变, or enforce 政策 or procedures
  • 做出决定或发现事实,确定“错误”,或参与申诉程序

Ombuds Ethics and Standards of Practice

As a member of the International Ombudsman Association (IOA), I operate according to four important ethical principles.  More information about each can be found below, or by reviewing the IOA Ethical Principles or IOA Standards of Practice 文档.


Communication with the Ombuds is confidential and off-the record.  This includes:

  • Whether someone has or has not met with the Ombuds
  • The identity of a visitor
  • The content of a visitor’s 担忧 in any way that could identify the visitor

The Ombuds 五月 共享可识别的信息,如果访问者给予明确许可,并且shopify认为共享信息有助于解决问题.  For example, if a visitor wants the Ombuds to facilitate a conversation with a third party, some disclosure of identifiable information 五月 be necessary. In such situations, 网站将酌情决定,不会透露访问者希望保密的信息.

The Ombuds is required 根据监察专员的判断,在有机密信息时披露机密信息:

  • An imminent risk of serious harm to any person
  • Suspected maltreatment of a child or endangered adult
  • A court order requiring such disclosure


The Ombuds advocates for fairness, 股本, and objectivity in the treatment of all persons and issues. Thus, the Ombuds:

  • Impartially considers the rights and interests of all parties
  • Seeks equitable and mutually agreeable resolutions
  • Avoids taking sides by representing or advocating for any one party
  • 避免参与,并将访客引至其他可能存在实际或感知利益冲突的情况


监察员独立于其他组织实体运作,不属于大学正式报告结构的一部分. This means that the Ombuds:

  • Has sole discretion about whether and how to become involved in a matter
  • Operates without concern for interference, retaliation, or the control of individuals outside the office
  • 能够接触解决问题所需的所有个人和信息(法律或大学政策禁止的情况除外)

For administrative purposes and evaluation of the Ombuds Office, the Ombuds reports jointly to the Provost and the Chairperson of Faculty Senate; however, 即使是这些个人也无法控制或干预办公室的运作,也无法获得秘密披露给监察专员的信息.


The Ombuds is meant to supplement—not replace—formal channels within the University.  This means that:

  • Meeting with the Ombuds is completely voluntary and cannot be required as part of, or a pre-requisite to, any other process (e.g., prior to filing a grievance)
  • The Ombuds does not investigate, arbitrate, or participate in any formal process
  • The Ombuds has no authority to make findings of fact or fault, and cannot make, 改变, 拨出, or enforce 政策 or administrative decisions.

除了用于识别大学内部模式和趋势的基本信息外,Ombuds不保留正式记录.  Any notes taken about specific situations are routinely destroyed.

FAQ’s about the Ombuds Office

What should I expect if I meet with you?

On your first visit, I will generally ask to 拨出 60-90 minutes.  首先,我将非常简要地概述Ombuds的目的和四项实践标准,并回答您对办公室的任何问题.  下一个, 我会要求你主动给我一些关于你自己的基本信息,我可以用它来跟踪模式和趋势.  You are free to decline sharing this information if you wish.

Thereafter, 我努力创造一个安全的环境,让你感到舒适地讨论你的问题和担忧.  My goal is for you to feel heard, understood, and helped at the conclusion of our meeting, whether or not your problem has been solved.  我的目的是为您提供对您选择的行动路线最有帮助的资源和信息.  In addition, 如有需要,欢迎您回复或跟进,直到您的问题得到最大程度的解决. 

What kinds of things could we discuss?

我愿意讨论任何影响您作为教员工作的问题或担忧.  Some common issues that arise include:

  • Workplace bullying, incivility, and interpersonal conflict
  • 系、学院和大学级别的续任、晋升和终身任职程序
  • Conditions and processes for teaching (e.g., re-appointment of temporary part-time faculty) and non-teaching (e.g., appointment of program coordinators) appointment decisions
  • Policies and procedures for resource allocation (e.g., travel money, graduate assistants)
  • Questions about filing grievances at the 大学 or University levels

Is what I tell you confidential?

是的.  即使是我的直接下属也无法知道与我会面的人的身份,也无法知道我们讨论的任何可识别的信息.  无论你是否见过我以及我们可能讨论的任何事情都将保密除非你特别允许我分享. 


  • When I believe there is an imminent risk of serious harm to an individual
  • When I suspect maltreatment of a child or endangered adult
  • When compelled by court order

Can you help me file a grievance?

I can help you:

  • Decide whether filing a grievance is the right decision for you (e.g., discuss pros/cons/alternatives)
  • 了解哪些要素是必要的,包括,如果你选择提出申诉
  • 找到合适的表格和政策,并在准备首次申诉时回答问题
  • Read what you write and offer feedback as a neutral observer


  • Help you make a stronger argument
  • Make any guarantees about what will happen in a grievance process
  • 在任何阶段参与正式程序,例如作为证人或正式调解人
  • 一旦你提出正式申诉,代表你辩护或提供指导

Do you work for the University?  Who do you report to?

I am employed and appointed to this position by the University.  For administrative purposes, I report jointly to the Provost and the Chairperson of Faculty Senate; however, 即使他们不能控制或干涉我履行职责的方式,也不能获得与我秘密分享的信息. 


Formal Grievance 资源

Informal Conflict Resolution 资源

Conflict Resolution Tools

Mental Health 资源

Please check back frequently.  This portion of the webpage is still under development.

联系 Information

Lisa Phillips, PhD
电子邮件: ISU-faculty-ombuds@free-real-estate-listings.com
Office Locations (hours by appointment):
Stalker Hall, Room 321
大学 of Health and Human 服务, Room A456